Staying motivated

There are days where you feel like it is just not possible to keep going. Other times it’s like you are in that position where you have tried everything possible and it still seems like you are failing. It could even be that you just feel so weak and all your energy is gone because you can’t see any light at the end of the tunnel. For some others, it might just be a lazy day and you don’t want to get up from bed to any work. It is how to stay motivated on those days that would help you. How do you drive through those times?

Successful people who have made their mark in the world have shown us that it is possible to go on and win. But then you need to stay motivated. Here are carefully set out tips to stay motivated through those crazy times, because getting to your own definition of success is possible.

  1. Have a mental picture of what the success of that goal would feel like

Every goal is different and what might be a giant stride for one is just one of those days for others.  Take some time to picture yourself when you would hit your goals. For instance, act out yourself doing a thank you speech after receiving an award or collecting some huge money after a deal.

Feel free to contemplate the kind of cars or things you would have and buy or the kind of projects you would delve into. Some people shy away from imagining the largeness of their vision, because of the hurt that comes with failed expectations. But it is the visualizing that can motivate you to get there. If you can’t see where you are going, how do you understand, how to stay motivated to get there?

  • Break down your goals

Most goals and dreams are very large and might take days, months and even years to actualize. Break down your goals into tiny details. When you begin to see the piece of each of the road map to your goal, you begin to feel more relaxed and understand how you can achieve it.

  • Reward yourself

When you achieve a milestone, recognize that you have actually done something worthwhile. It doesn’t have to be an expensive reward but do something worthwhile for yourself and relieve the feeling of your attained milestone, this would help you have more energy to go on, it would also help you see the steps you took and help you understand yourself better on how you where able to handle the situation that brought you the achievement.

  • Read and watch videos about successful people

Reading through articles on how to stay motivated, just like this one, helps a lot. You can pick up motivational books or listen to videos about successful people. If you feel so tired of the serious stuff, try watching motivational movies, some of them would have some of the best impacts in you.

  • Take up morning positive Affirmations

Try out positive affirmations in the morning and even when you are faced with difficulty. You would see that it works well. Most of the time, the gaps and challenges people face are all in the mind and affirmations are like brainwashing yourself to stick to the big picture and not let a temporary setback or bad day ruin it all for you. Affirmations like “I am getting better daily, “Today is the best day of my life”, “I can do this!”. It has a way of putting springs on your steps for the next action and psyching you up to forget the bad situation that you might be in.

  • Remember what you stand to lose if you don’t get to the big picture

This can be a motivation for most people. There are people who regret that they gave up. Think of that when you want to give up. Do you want to have regrets? Think of how you would be and what it would feel like if, you don’t win. Surely, you wouldn’t like the picture. This is how to stay motivated. It would push you to keep moving because not getting to your goal is not an option for you.

  • Know that failure is not the end but a means to an end

There are some moments that show that you have obviously failed in a goal and there is no going back to it, even then you might just have known another way that doesn’t work, in other to get to an even better peak. Think around your failure and let the fact that you know better now, motivate you to try again and be better this time.

  • Focus on what you can do now

A lot of times the thought of all the things that you want to do and you can’t do, can’t get your strained and frustrated. Motivate yourself my thinking around the lines, to see the little ones that you can start doing and as you gain success in those areas, you would be want to continue and attain a bigger part of the goal.

And one last bonus tip that I started to use myself

  • Find a team or friend that has drive and motivation

Working with people with somewhat of similar drive or even better drive than you have can be a strong motivation. Having a friend that makes you try your sales pitch again can help. Also for some people, just by seeing others around them pass a curve, they feel strong to carry on.

Having read these tips, draw out a plan that works for you on, how to stay motivated and follow it whenever you feel down because it is normal to feel de-motivated sometimes, but you have to be ready with some of these tips to fight head on.  Whether it is taking up morning affirmations or is watching inspirational videos or asking yourself deep questions like “just, how will it feel like when I get there?” You would see that it works perfectly.